Passenger & Light Truck

From your company pickup to the family van, we’ve got your passenger and light truck needs covered. We have grouped these two tire classifications together but they are different.

What are passenger tires? Can you put them on your truck? You can but only if you drive a small pickup. Small pickups, SUVs, cars and vans use passenger tires. These tires give a smoother ride without sacrificing traction or durability.

Light truck tires are for pickups 3/4 ton and larger. They are for heavier vehicles, carrying or hauling heavy loads. They are called “light trucks” in comparison to semis and other industrial-sized vehicles. Another possible confusion is that many, particularly in rural areas, use large pickups as daily drivers. These vehicles need light truck tires even when used as the family hauler.

Confused? You can search your vehicle in the tire size calculator and find the proper fit.